Thursday, December 18, 2008

Merry Christmas....Twlight Fans

This is so funny you will die laughing... Let me know what you think??


Shannon said...

You are hilarious! that was so dumb, my kids were totally laughing.. She does seem like belle! haha

Sharon said...

loved it!

Heidi said...

The ride in the christmas sack was the best part! love it!!

Staci said...

It's good to hear from you! It's been a lllooonnnnggg time. You have a BEAUTIFUL family. I can't believe your daughter is so grown-up. She is gorgeous!! I think she looks a lot like you.
I was bummed I couldn't make it to the Xmas party this year... it's always fun to "chat" w/ everyone from HS. Glad to hear that you made it this year!
Keep in touch.
Merry Christmas!

Johnson party of 3 said...

It was good to see you too at the Christmas party. Your little man is so cute, its crazy to think we have little ones so close together, they are so much fun.
Talk to you soon
Merry Christmas

RCA said...